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Entities in nodb are JSON objects with arbitrary constructs. They can have nested hierarchy.

To nest your entities you must make separate calls to each sub-entity's named route.

Upon creation each entity will have auto generated id. This will be its identifier for your restful API.

Creating entities

To create an entity simply make a signed POST request to your named route:

curl -X POST{app-name}/{env}/named-route?token={token} \
-d '[{ "foo": "bar" }]'

POST body must be an array.

You can use POST request to store multiple items in a single call.

This POST request will create your first route called 'named-route'. It can be anything. Say, 'books' or 'planets'.

After this following route will be accessible for fetch (GET):


This will return your foo-bar entity with enriched meta data contained within __meta object.

"entities": [
"id": "6gaaszin",
"foo": "bar"
"__meta": {
"self": "/{app-name}/{env}/named-route/6gaaszin",
"subtypes": {}

Creating sub-entities

Sub-entities define nested structure of your API. They are formed following the familiar restful concept of separating models with their ID's.


Maximum number of nested levels is 4.

To create a sub-entity just follow the same principle of calling named routes. In this case you need 'id' of your entity to which you're creating a sub-entity. In this case let's call them 'level2':

curl -X POST{app-name}/{env}/named-route/6gaaszin/level2?token={token} \
-d '[{ "abc": 123 }]'

To create another level add it to /level2/:id/another-level, etc.

As mentioned above, maximum number of levels after the root entity is 4.