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In nodb PATCH requests follows restful pattern to merge entities with the body payload.

In your HTTPS request body payload must be array of entities, not just an object. If you send an object the request will fail.

Here's the difference between PATCH requests with POST and PUT:

PATCH [{ id, ... }, {...}, { id, ... }]  -> update two, ignore one
POST [{ id, ... }, {...}, { id, ... }] -> replace two, insert one
PUT [{ id, ... }, {...}, { id, ... }] -> replace two, ignore one

For PATCH requests only items with id will be considered.

Merging (updating) entities with new ones

Requests are sent to named routes. If you send requests to a single entity the request will fail (for example to a /names-route/43sdh9bi route).

We send entities to the 'named-route' just as an example:

curl -X PUT{app-name}/{env}/named-route?token={token} \
-d '[{ "id": "kzw1q9dz", "foo": "bar" }, { "abc": 123 }]'

Item with prop 'abc' will be ignored.